Monday, February 28, 2011

Sandra Bullock is a better person 1 year later:2011 oscars

Sandra Bullock slaps the 2011 Oscars looking amazing in a red costume.

It was one year ago that she, herself was nominated, and won, the Academy Award for Best Actress, only to have her world come booming down days later.

Now, one year later, Bullock says she is a "better person" after going throughout a messy divorce with ex husband Jesse James.

"Sandra Bullock looked amazing tonight," tweeted single Cleveland resident.
Sandra famously went into privacy just after the shocking news that her husband had been occupied in a cheating scandal, not with just one woman, but with lots of different followers.

Bullock is in a very much better place now and is thrilled about her future with her son Louis.

“I am more patient and willing to help. I really understand where I am," Sandra Bullock exposed on the red carpet. In fact, Sandra is so glad that she recently went back to work.

"I just did my opening day of work in over a year and a half on Friday," Bullock said, referring to the forthcoming film "Really loud and Incredibly Close," co starring Tom Hanks.

What did you think regarding Sandra Bullock's look at the 2011 Oscars?

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M&M Monday - Clothing

You know someone is going to say something about "melts in your mouth not in your hands" . .

. . . but that would clearly be wrong;

because that line obviously goes with this picture.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Higher Education

I pose a simple question: What percentage of the population of the United States hold a college degree? The answer will appear below the cyber-fold. I must admit I was surprised by the number. I assume that lots of folks who hold a degree estimate too high, I did a quick unscientific survey of a small group of individuals and found that those who do not have a degree give a slightly lower number but still aim a bit too high.

So you have a clue, your guess is probably too high, so knock off 5% maybe 10% if you have a masters or a doctorate, we know those advanced degrees really schew your perception of reality.

So what was your guess? The answer is that as of 2009, twenty-seven and one-half percent of the adult population holds a college degree.

Here is a very cool interactive map from the Chronicle of Higher Education that shows where these over educated people live. It's a county by county breakdown and here is the really cool part, you can track back from 2009 to 1940. You thought the college numbers were higher today, only 4.6% of the country were college educated in 1940. When I got my B.A. in 1969 the overall number had just reached 10%.

The map also has breakouts by gender, ethnicity and income. Before you leave the map, be sure to set it for 2009 and click the Asian button.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Julian Assange faces extradition for sex crimes

A British judge ruled that the Wiki leaks founder can be extradited to Sweden. Assange's lawyer will request. 

Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden in a sex crimes investigation, a British judge ruled Thursday, rejecting claims by the Wiki Leaks founder that he would not look a fair trial there. 

Assange's lawyer said he would appeal.
Judge Howard Riddle said the allegations of rape and sexual molestation by two women beside Assange meet the definition of extraditable offenses and said the Swedish warrant had been properly issued and was valid. 

Assange, 39, a key number in the release of tens of thousands of secret U.S. government and military documents, has been out on security during the extradition fight. 

He has seven days to request the ruling in British courts. 

After inquiry three days of testimony this month, Riddle concluded "there is simply no reason to believe there has been a mistake" about the European Arrest Warrant issued by Swedish authorities. 

In his judgment, the judge dismantled the defense case against extradition point by point. He abandoned the claim that comments made against Assange by Swedish prosecutors and politicians would pervert the course of justice. 

Assange's lawyers also said that Sweden's institution of hearing rape cases behind closed doors meant he would not get a fair trial, but Riddle said the practice was frequent in Sweden. 

Wiki Leaks has released tens of thousands of U.S. military documents on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and on U.S. political efforts worldwide, deeply angering U.S. officials. 

"If he comes to Sweden I think he has great chances of being untied," Hurtig said. "And I will be waiting for him, ready to fight for him tooth and nail.

Smith said Assange remains welcome at his residence".

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Circulation of Elites

An academic friend tells the story of being asked about the 'revolution' in Egypt and replying: "It's not a revolution, they aren't changing the government only the names on the masthead." That basically describes the principle known as the Circulation of Elites. Vilfredo Pareto is credited with postulating this theory in the late 1800s. He suggested that political and therefore governmental change is nearly always the result of one elite replacing another. And despite the images on television and the internet it is not clear that Egypt was a popular uprising or simply a popular following of the new elite.

Most of the talk about democracy comes from outside Egypt. It appears what most Egyptians wanted was the removal of a tyrant who had ruled for three decades. Time will tell if any actual governmental or political change will result from the departure of the most recent elite. 

Revolutions, on the other hand, sweep the old regime from power and replace it with a new government. Not always a new form of government and not always a better one for those who were actually in the streets doing the revolting. You could use Cuba as an example to prove either point of view here. But one might better look to the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989, where actually governmental change (communist to democratic) did take place and then either did or did not sustain itself depending on your political point of view.

There are those who would argue that bloodless revolution is an oxymoron. Others might look to the old adage 'revolution is the result of a nation pregnant with itself.' Both good solid political arguments, which may or may not speak to what is actually happening in the backrooms throughout the region. What remains to be seen is what actually did happen in Egypt. Was it a revolution? Probably not. Was it a change of elites? Most likely. What will be the eventual outcome? Ah, well there lies the piece for the historians. 

Now what about Bahrain, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Libya and . . .

[It has been pointed out to me by the aforementioned "academic friend" that Ibn Khaldun back in 1377 proposed the theory of the "oscillation of elites," which may be an even more explanatory model as it suggests that elites not only supplant each other but they also recycle (oscillate) and recirculate through the corridors of political power.]
art - Clay Bennett in The Christian Science Monitor

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Homemade Face Masks For All Kind Of Skin

Homemade Face Masks For All Kind Of Skin

Our face is our fortune and most of us would be willing to work hard to preserve it and make it more beautiful. When it comes to removing dead skin cells and impurities from the face, nothing else can beat homemade face masks. Homemade face packs help in maintaining the tautness of facial skin along with deep cleansing the skin on the face and neck area. Moreover you can prepare homemade facials with items of every day use in our kitchens. So you do not get to feel the pinch of all those beauty parlor bills and at the same time get to have great skin. Facial Masks are the best to use from another angle too; our skin suffers extensively due to the repeated use of cosmetics which have harsh chemicals in them. Face packs consisting of natural ingredients on the other hand are absolutely harmless and can be used regularly.
Homemade Face Masks Recipes

Let us have a look at the recipes of some of the effective face masks.

For normal skin

For those of you who have normal skin you can make face packs mixing either clay or white kaolin powder along with cornflower, oats and one beaten egg white. A drop of geranium oil should be added to this mix and then mixed well to form a paste, which can be then be applied and left for a few minutes and then washed off. Regular application of this homemade face pack would give you radiant skin.

For dry skin

Fruits that are rich in water and vitamins make for good face packs for those who have dry skin. You can make a paste of papaya or peach and leave it for around 20 minutes and then wash your face. The result would be fresh and youthful skin. You can also use a paste of mashed avocado or banana too for application on dry skin for similar results.

For oily skin

For those of you who have oily skin, you can make a homemade face pack made out of apples and honey. Make a paste of one table spoon of honey with two peeled apples. The paste should be applied and washed after 20 minutes. Also try making a paste of a fully ripe tomato. These homemade face packs can give you a glowing look in a matter of minutes.

For glowing skin

In order to have glowing skin you can make face masks using honey, sandalwood powder and a ripped banana. The banana is mashed and then honey and sandalwood powder are added and worked into a thick paste. Facial packs from this mixture are known to give a natural glow to dull skin.

For wrinkled skin

Almonds should be soaked in milk overnight and then ground into a paste. A little bit of milk is added when making the paste. The face pack is rich in Vitamin A which helps in moisturizing the facial skin while milk helps in cleansing the skin naturally, adding luster to your skin.

For skin blemishes

A simple homemade facial can be prepared using honey for removing skin blemishes. Natural honey is gently massaged all over the face and then left for around a few minutes. You can wash your face with cold water after 10 minutes or so. This homemade face pack helps in clearing blemishes on the face.

For facial pores

A homemade facial which is found effective against enlarged pores can be prepared using orange and lemon juice. Both the juices are mixed and then applied all over the face with gentle and upward strokes. This facial mask helps in improving the condition of large pores.

For dark under eye circles

Home made face packs can help a lot in removing the condition of having dark under eye circles. A face mask can be prepared using either tea bags or cucumber juice for this condition. You can apply either tea bag soaked in water or cotton pads soaked in the cucumber juice on your eyes.
Make Basil Facial Mask at home


30 grams of basil sheets,
30 grams of vervain sheets,
30 grams of thyme sheets,
And 30 grams of chervil sheets
You will find these sheets out of sachet, generally not very expensive, on sale in pharmacy or specialized stores.

Method: Mix these sheets until you obtained a quite fine powder and mix with mineral water, until obtaining a consistent paste. Apply then the facial mask in fine layer, let it dry and rinse with clear water when your skin pulls about slightly under the effect of the draining of the mask

HTC ChaCha Smartphone For Facebook

HTC ChaCha Smartphone For Facebook

The HTC ChaCha is a typical smartphone with physical QWERTY keyboard. It has a dedicated button for quick Facebook access also allows you to share song, go to the social network, send messages, upload photos, and more.

HTC ChaCha measured 114.4 x 64.6 x 10.7 mm and weighs 120 grams. The internal operating system Android. The wide screen 2.6" has a resolution of 480 x 320 pixels. The camera, however, shoot photos up to 5 Megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash, but lacks the VGA camera for video calls.

The 600 MHz processor is associated with 512 MB of RAM and 512 MB of internal memory expandable with microSD cards. The connection, however, relies on the protocol to 7.2 Mbps HSPA Do not miss the GPS, WiFi, gyroscope, digital compass, and the 3.5 mm jack for headphones.

Autonomy, according to official figures, is 450 minutes talk time or 430 hours of standby time. The availability is set for June at a price not announced.

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