Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The 1% President

Sure the 1% would have been happy with Mitt Romney, but the Perry blunders followed by Cain's loose zipper gave the super elite the chance to push their real guy - Newt. The timing couldn't have been better, the holidays are upon us, people will be distracted from the endless republican debate schedule and then BANG! January and the first presidential primaries. Newt could be the nominee by Valentines Day. Under even the most competitive circumstances the nominee will be in place after Super Tuesday March 6th.

Unfortunately then the conversation turns as it always does to the better or worse of two terrible choices. My liberal friends will once again say "but if you don't vote for Obama we will get Newt!" And my conservative friends will say - "sure it's that gas bag Gingrich but otherwise we are stuck with another four years of Obama." 

John McCain! John Kerry! Al Gore! Bob Dole! Michael Dukakis! Walter Mondale! 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I will step off the path,
And chose a new future
that will make all the difference
(apologies to Robert Frost)

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